A sad day in history…

From the New York Times article


Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona and his party’s presidential candidate in 2008, led the opposition to the repeal and said the vote was a sad day in history.


He and others opposed to lifting the ban said the change could harm the unit cohesion that is essential to effective military operations, particularly in combat, and deter some Americans from enlisting or pursuing a career in the military.


Wait! Isn’t it doing that already? Aren’t some Americans, gay Americans, kept from enlisting or pursuing a career in the military because of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell?” Isn’t unit cohesion harmed when members are unceremoniously thrown out? Isn’t time, effort and money wasted while these witch hunts are executed? Why are you worried about a “could” and not about a confirmed “does”?

Didn’t your year long report say otherwise? Doesn’t every other military organization that allows gays to serve openly disprove your point?

Please remember, Senator, that the dreaded gays are ALREADY SERVING IN THE MILITARY RIGHT NOW! They are in the units, in the barracks, in the bathrooms, on the radio, serving the food right now. In fact, they are even in the Senate Chambers AS WE SPEAK! (Or have they already gone on vacation?)

I’ll tell you what’s sad….

Oh, right, politician, got it.

Merry Christmas, Mr. Grinch, please stay out of Whoville.

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