We’re off to see the Wizard!

So I’m taking my first step on a brand new Yellow Brick Road! (Or Blond Hunk Blvd.)

ChadMichaelMurray (10).jpgWith the LiveJournal purging scare (and doesn’t it seem like there’s a LiveJournal fire every few months?) and Yahoo’s sudden problems with adult content (and I am nothing except adult), I’ve decided to take the safety plunge and move my “grown-up” discussion and thoughts to my own private Idaho…or blog.

I mean, it’s not like the administrator is suddenly going to take offense about my doodles, since he is I — or some such philosophical idea.  I can post what I want, when I want, as large as I want, and not fear some small minded bureaucrat makes it all go away and my name ends up slashed through.

That way I can post this…

matthew_mcc (4).jpg…and not have someone running away screaming because you saw a bare nipple on the Internet (and not even a shield!  What is the world coming to!!).

So, over time, I’m going to move my LiveJournal entries so that they are completely posted here (leaving just excerpts on the LiveJerk site) and then all new entries will appear here (along with an excerpt on the LiveJerk site).  That way, anyone can comment, as dirty as they want, without fear of religious zealots holding that over your head and blackmailing you to the right.  Or not-so-left, which might be the center.

Not that I actually do a lot on a blog, mind you.  I typically don’t have enough in my brain to warrant much space — I’m more “see pretty, save pretty, move on to the next pretty”.  (And thanks to all of you who support my pretty-thing habit!)

And since I am a pack rat, and have collected all this stuff, I thought the least I could do is regurgitate it all back to you…well, in case there’s anyone out there at all!


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